The Maruha Nichiro Group was created in October 2007 from Maruha and Nichiro over a century after their founding. Our new group has operations globally centered on our core seafood products, making the fullest use of the powerful strengths of both corporations forged through their long business histories to aim at being a value-creating group providing novel seafood products to the world.
The environment of food and food products is changing toward a global scale through the increasing world population. The mature Japanese market has seen a decline in fish consumption through the increase of westernized eating habits, while the shrinking population is causing the overall domestic market size to be reduced. In contrast, international markets are burgeoning with demand for seafood thanks to a combination of the overall diversification of food products and renewed interest in seafood in health terms, already having set off a global competition over seafood. For the domestic market, foods with added value matching customer perceptions are needed, while international markets require diverse seafood solutions. Yet what both domestic and international markets require in common is the stable supply of food, and this is our greatest social responsibility. The Maruha Nichiro Group serves to meet our customers’ needs with earnest care for the sustainability of resources based on our enhanced global capabilities.
Taking pride in upholding Japanese culinary culture as food product professionals providing safe food solutions, the Maruha Nichiro Group will continue as a producer of seafood products to bring delight in delicious food to all the world, contributing to the creation of a global seafood-based culinary culture with the most efficient use of the Earth’s limited resources. Expect only the best from our future business operations.
With the rising demand for fishery products over the world, our corporation boasts the largest volume of fishery product handled; building an unbroken supply chain covering catching, breeding, purchasing, processing, and sales. Making use of various technologies to maintain freshness and taste, we are actively involved in responding to diversifying needs from a fully professional perspective in regards to fish. We have not limited ourselves to the traditional fish catching business but have engaged as early as possible in technological innovations for growing fish, endeavoring to procure and supply high quality, safe and healthy marine products.
We procure fishery resources directly featuring deep-sea tuna fishing, far seas/offshore purse seine fishing , aquafarming for fishes with higher added value such as bluefin tuna and greater amberjacks, and oversea joint ventures including shrimp aquaculture and shrimp trawl fishing.
Based on production plants in Alaska, we work to obtaining and process fishery resources around North America (such as Alaskan Pollack, Pacific cod, salmon/trout, crab, lobster etc) and sell our products globally (toward markets in North America, Europe, and Japan).